our future


At the December 2020 Business Conference the church established a Long Term Planning Team to research and assess the needs of a future campus of Beach Road Baptist Church. From this research the team identified several conclusions and spent over 15 months and hundreds of hours in creating a recommendation to meet the needs of these conclusions. Below you will see renderings and layouts to what we believe is the future campus of Beach Road Baptist. Consider how God would have you give to this future hub of ministry. Beach Road Baptist Church. From this research the team identified several conclusions and spent over 15 months and hundreds.

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurable more than all we ask or imagine,
according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in
Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."
Ephesians 3:20-21


The church needed a new facility to grow and accommodate the needs of the current members. The focus was to have a bigger worship center accommodating over 400 people along with more Sunday school rooms and a worship area for Kids ministry.

The leaders of the church got together and did an extensive search and with Lord's help the church was able to purchase a property sizing about 5 acres which is close to an intersection of two major highways.

The churchs’ new building planning committee spent hours coming up with a new building plan that would meet all the requirements essential for the church. TLCA is a place where people can come
together to worship, learn, and grow in their faith, and will continue to impact many more lives in new
facility. We believe our new worship center will cater to foster a sense of belonging and community

the future

We shall be able to provide for the individuals He has given us more effectively thanks to this new refuge and its supporting infrastructure. 
Additionally, it will act as hub for apostolic resources that will support global revival and transformation. We have collectively agreed to accept the duty of enhancing our ability to host and disciple the nations in order to facilitate worldwide revival movement in light of that mandate.

We are making investments in things we think will have an impact on world history. We will rise up and construct in this project to make room for the bigger works of God to be done on earth through His Manifest Presence.

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Commit & Give

Together, we have given and committed 40% of the funds needed to build!

Thank you for choosing to stand in faith with us to see this important vision come to completion. Every seed sown into Arise & Build is an investment in the transformation of future generations, and impacts the course of history.

You carry an important part of the move of Together, we have given and committed 40% of the funds needed to build!

Give towards

Our Future Church

True Light Christian Assembly is a not-for-profit, section 501(c)(3) organization. Our EIN is 32-987654.
All Tax receipts will be emailed you, once you make your giving.

message from our pastor

“Bethel has been given a mandate to host the nations in greater capacity and equip revivalists — reformers who change the world as they partner with heaven.

As we steward this calling, the need for ample facilities and room to grow becomes increasingly apparent. We are partnering with other catalysts from around the world to propel this mission forward, and are believing for an entirely new, state-of-the-art campus where we can continue to pursue God’s decree over our movement. To do this, we will partner with the global Bethel movement to bring in the fiscal, social, and intellectual capital needed to complete this project. We invite you to become a part of the story that God is writing until the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our God.”

Pr. Philip Samuel, Sr. Pastor TLCA
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